PPE Stations
Ensure visitors know where to report to on arrival and are made aware of their responsibilities to follow the correct safety procedures. Informative panels ensure visitors are made aware of potential hazards in high risk areas.

Ensure visitors know where to report to on arrival and follow the correct safety procedures

Ensure visitors are aware of their responsibilities to follow the correct safety procedures

Encourage and promote safe working practices where multiple types of PPE is required

Ideal for highlighting PPE requirements for employees and visitors alike

The PPE Safety Station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The Hi-vis holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The First Aid Hi-vis holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The fire warden hi-vis holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE

Staff Hi-vis holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE for all employees

Security Hi-vis station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The Hi-vis holder station is ideal for ensuring visitors have easy access to PPE

Features write on panel which allows you to customise the station to suit your needs

The face shield holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The helmet holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The goggles holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The glove holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

The respirator holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to PPE in busy workplaces

Aprons holder station is ideal for ensuring easy access to protection in busy workplaces

Help to prevent potential injury by providing the correct safety equipment for your workplace

Safely store essential PPE to help ensure all personnel have access to safety clothing

Help to prevent potential injury by providing the correct safety equipment for your workplace
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