Spill Control

Ultra absorbent powder rapidly soaks up blood, vomit and urine

Super absorbent anti bacterial powder, designed to absorb body fluids and general spillages

Non-toxic, bactericidal compound instantly absorbs body fluid spillages

Pads are impregnated with a powder that turns liquids into a gel for fast disposal

Ideal for cleaning up body fluid spills with minimal risk of cross infection

High specification scoop & scraper will not deteriorate like card alternatives

Safely absorb urine, vomit and blood

Replacing traditional chlorine-based spill kits which are time consuming and hazardous to use with this quick all-in-one spill wipe

Super absorbent and hygienic method of cleaning up body fluid spills

Safe clean up and disinfection of areas where blood spillages have taken place

Easily identify your body fluid clean up kits during incidents with the highly visible biohazard spill kit to ensure areas are quickly and safely cleaned and disinfected
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