Body Fluid and Sharps Disposal
Cleaning spills from bodily fluids such as blood or vomit as well as safety disposing of sharps, is vitally important to protect your staff and visitors against possible infection, injury and cross-contamination. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, you have a legal duty to protect the health of your employees and anyone else on your premises. Ensure you can quickly and effectively deal with biohazardous spills and sharps, by having a body fluid or sharps disposal kit on your premises.

Sick bags and urine bags for the safe and easy disposal of bodily fluids

A variety of powders that swiftly soak up biohazard spills for easy cleaning

Ensure safe containment and disposal of clinical waste with bags

Kits to ensure the safe removal and cleanup of body fluid and hazardous materials

Ensure that sharps are disposed of safely and hygienically

Cleaning products to help keep your workplace clean and sanitised

Medical bins, waste sacks, biohazard control and waste management

High quality paper disposables for washrooms, kitchens & medical rooms

Provide quick access to essential spill kits and biohazard control supplies, ensuring safe and compliant spill management
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