Medical Refrigeration

Comes with a secure lock and two keys to prevent unauthorised access

Comes with a secure lock and two keys to prevent unauthorised access

Comes with a secure lock and two keys to prevent unauthorised access

Upgraded 158L solid door fridge with 5 year warranty

Upgraded 158L glass door fridge with a 5 year warranty

Upgraded 273L glass door fridge with 5 year warranty

Upgraded 273L solid door fridge with 5 year warranty

39L Laboratory Freezer with Solid Door. Maintains internal temperatures between -18°C and -25°C

98L Laboratory Freezer with Solid Door. Maintains internal temperatures between -18°C and -25°C

107L Laboratory Freezer with Solid Door. Maintains internal temperatures between -18°C and -25°C

External touch screen temperature displays and temperature alarms are fitted as standard

Spark free laboratory refrigerators for storing chemicals

Spark free laboratory refrigerators for storing chemicals

Spark free laboratory refrigerators for storing chemicals

Portable medical refrigerator with 2 compartments and an external display
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